The team made a stop at the UT-Knoxville East Tennessee Research and Education Center (ETREC) on Sunday - special thanks to Andrew Sherfy and Manny Sabbagh (future UMN Ph.D. student!) - for facilitating our visit. We described an Ultisol formed in shale residuum in the uplands south of Knoxville, and looked at a weakly developed soil the floodplain of the Tennessee River.
Students describing an upland Ultisol of the Tennessee Ridge and Valley province. In the background in the blue jacket is our host (and future UMN SWAC Ph.D. student) Manny Sabbagh. |
A Typic Hapludult formed in shale residuum on a backslope. |
A Typic Udorthent formed in alluvial sediments on a floodplain of the Tennessee River |