
Monday, September 29, 2014

Region V Soil Judging: Day 2 - Practice Pits at Reactor Woods - Student Perspective

Today was our first day in the Iowa State soil pits.  We had three practice pits and one optional pit (that we described as a full team).

We described a deep Mollisol, and discussed local interpretations and naming conventions. Nic, our faithful coach, augered below the described pit to find a gleyed B horizon.

We are continuously learning from each other and strengthening our knowledge of soil morphology, genesis and description.

By the afternoon the mosquitoes showed up and so did the sun.  We ended up with a pit that had a significant amount of pooled water from last week which was slowly infiltrating.  

We had to pull out the knee boots for this one.

Our last pit was an optional one.  We felt comfortable with a soil that felt like home - our Lester (A, E, a series of Bt horizons, and a strongly effervescent Bk)! A Mollic Hapludalf. Although we may not be seeing any more soils like this, we ended the day on a high note and Gladdie got to see her first E horizon!

As I type, the rest of the students are 'becoming one with their textural triangle'.  I should too!  

Thanks for all the support from near and far!  Tune in for the day's coach's update and to see what's next tomorrow.