The team began practice pits by describing 3 Argiudolls in some morning wind and driving rain at the University of Nebraska's Nine-Mile Prairie, completing 2 group judged pits and 1 individual pit. The pits selected on pre-Illinoian glacial till uplands allowed our students to see examples of soils with both intact loess mantles and completely eroded (and removed) loess mantles. The Sioux Quartzite erratics and secondary carbonates in the old till were reminiscent of materials that several of our students experienced in Kansas last spring. Although they weren't on the official scorecard, several team members noted (and their coach agreed) that there were reasonably well developed pressure faces/slickensides in one of the profiles. After lunch, the weather broke and gave us a nice cloudy October Nebraska afternoon. Looking forward to new landscapes and soils tomorrow! We are at one with our textural triangles.
Nine-Mile Prairie Pre-Illinoian glaciated upland landscape. |
Sioux Quartzite erratic (L), clay films, and redoximorphic features (R) in Pre-Illinoian till. |
Secondary carbonates and redoximorphic features in Pre-Illinoian till. |
Great attitudes and hard work in wind and driving rain! |